My thanks to the committee for inviting me to judge at this very well run show and to all the exhibitors for entering their lovely hounds under me. I consider it as real privilege and thoroughly enjoyed my day.
Puppy Dog 4/5
1st Peach’s Kilbourne Pascoe, Three nice puppies all of different type, this 8 month old is very together for his age. Super head with good pigment, ex front construction, length in rib cage, well let down hocks and tight feet. Nicely boned and bodied, moved exceptionally well in all directions for such a young hound. Holding his top line throughout. He was sensitively handled and very promising.
2nd Owen and Brodie’s Luckhurst Nebo to Wolfscastle. A shapely puppy built on much slighter frame than 1st. Good head, small ears, well placed, good length to height ratio, a little flat in topline at present, excellent stride in side gait, well handled.
3rd Faircloth’s Beardswood Ripley for Calbraidh
Junior dog – No entries
Post Graduate dog (4)
1st Finnett and Harrington’s Hyndsight Tempest. Once again four very different types, this hound won his class on his true movement which was sound both fore and aft with a very good side gait and long stride. Pleasing head with near ears, very good pigmentation, excellent shoulder and fore chest, good length in rib cage but could do with a bit more spring of rib. Well bent stifles with god length from hip to hock, feet well knuckled, nice type who held his top line held on the move.
2nd Helps’ Beardswood Quinlan, a nice type with masculine head, well off for bone, well laid shoulder, well ribbed with correct length to loin. Excellent top line and fall away, good length of hip to hock, moved well on tight feet. I thought he would be my winner initially but just preferred the hind movement of 1st. Nevertheless an attractive hound of quality and well handled.
3rd Schaanninglings Beardswood Quiver.
Limit dog (6/5)
1st Peach’s Kilbourne Nico. A very nice class of which the first two stood out. A handsome masculine head on this young dog, well pigmented, neat ears well set on, strong neck into excellent lay of shoulder, deep brisket, excellent ribbing carried well back and well sprung. Good length in loin, super top line into strong shapely hind quarters, great length from hip top hocks which are well let down, feet well knuckled. Absolutely true movement in all directions, well muscled. So much quality in this young hound that is still maturing, well handled. CC
2nd Morton & Morgan’s Cotherstone Shot and Steel, lovely type, very shapely hound in good coat, lovely head and expression, good shoulder placement, well ribbed and good length in loin, correct drop away and well set tail. Excellent rear movement and impressive side gait but I preferred the front action of my winner, very well presented. RCC
3RD Wilson’s Hamiltonhil Fred D Mercury
Open Dog (5/1)
1st Baumann’s Lux Ch Regalflight Tarloch 21/2 year old with a handsome head, excellent ears and far away expression. Deep chest and well bend stifle, impressive side gait with a long ground covering stride, lovely temperament sensitively handled.
Puppy bitch (6/3)
1st Helps Beardswood Rhymi, a very feminine and pretty bitch of nice type, lovely dark eye and aqualine nose, small ears. Good front construction with length in upper arm. Good lay of shoulder and length to ribs and loin, topline correct and held on the move. She’s just going into the leggy stage of growth but nevertheless a puppy of quality and one to watch BP
2nd Regalflight Pemba. Very different type, 10 months old and well grown. An unusual fawn brindle in colour, which is nice to see. Good forechest which needs to drop, adequate bend of stifle, well knuckled feet moving a little erratically, she was enjoying the day but needs time.
3rd Coopers Treacle Moon TAF
Junior Bitch (1/3)
1st Carr’s Kanba Tamsin stood alone but a v nice bitch with a very good head and expression and a dark eye. Shoulder well laid back, deep chest and good length to height ratio, nice drop away, nothing exaggerated, and nice type, sensitively handled.
Post Graduate bitch (11/10)
1st Ellse’s Kilbourne Unity, This was a lovely class, my winner was this super quality 19 month old bitch who is so true in her movement. Lovely head with aqualine nose, strong neck with good reach excellent lay of shoulder, good depth of chest and tuck up. Correct topline, well let down hocks on well knuckled feet. She pushed hard for the Res CC Just lost out to the mature hound, still maturing which is as it should be with a large breed, I liked her a lot, one to watch.
2nd Barter and Christian’s Hyndsight Wind dancer of Ehlaradawn. Lovely type, very shapely with a harsh dark coat, sweet head with a dark eye. Excellent front and forechest, very good lay of shoulder, deep in brisket and well sprung ribs, would prefer a tad more length in loin. Well bent stifle, low hocks. A true mover, very sound in top condition, very well handled.
3rd Bond’s Regalflight Civet
Limit Bitch 10/9
1st Barter and Christian’s Hoddingrey Strahanna of Ehlaradawn this beautiful bitch was just what I was looking for, quality soundness and type, they are all there. Exquisite head with a far away expression, aqualine nose excellent pigmentation, strong neck with good reach into excellent lay of shoulder. Deep in brisket and well ribbed. Excellent topline which she never lost standing or on the move. Excellent bend of stifle with great length from hip to well let down hocks. Her movement was absolutely true fore and aft with a long ground covering stride. She is a strong and well muscled yet feminine and she melted my heart, I loved her. CC BOB I was delighted to be able to watch her win the hound group which was well deserved.
2nd Finnett and Heathcote’s Hyndsight Dreams Unwind. Dark coated 3 years old of a very different type to first. She is very correct to go over with a crisp harsh coat. Hazel eye with good pigmentation and aqualine nose, lacking any furnishings at present, small ears excellent shoulder placement, well bodied and shown in hard condition. Good bend of stifle with length from hip to hock, good topline and tuck up and moving with a long stride covering a lot of ground. Well handled RCC
3rd Start and Holts Pyefleet Skatha at Ollandsheart
Open Bitch 7/2
1st Morgan’s Ladygrove Calamith Jane at Amiro. Two very nice bitches, close decision and a lot of my comments apply to both hounds. Both have good fronts and feet, good shoulder placement very shapely with well bent stifles, 1st as the better topline than 2nd with correct fall away, hocks well let down. Lacked any facial furnishings moved soundly and nicely handled.
2nd Finnett and Harrington’s Kilbourne Levanto with Hyndsight. I preferred the head and type of this bitch, a dark eye and good furnishings. Strong neck and a very good shoulder feminine but with strength and good muscle tone. Moved out well nicely presented in good coat.
Nicola Bailey (Greyflax) |